Energy Activations

Energy Activations

happy woman with arms wide open outside

What is an Energy Activation?

You are not the only one to ask this question. I had never heard of an energy activation until I started channeling them. To make sure I get this right, I will channel an explanation from Source:

Energy activations are energetic events for those who have blocks in their auric fields. This can cause a person to feel stuck or feel lost. Of course this can manifest into physical illnesses as well, but we will be addressing emotional pain or karma that has caused this blockage and, in essence, clear it out all in one big energetic download – clear out any dense energy, and heavy energy that is causing someone to feel lost, stuck, or blocked. Blockages can cause a large number of things: grief, depression, anxiety, trauma – a large number of things which we will channel activations for. After the energy fields are cleared and energetic chords are cut, this should bring the person who received the activation to a place where they can begin to heal, begin to feel better, instead of feeling stuck and lost. This will be up to their own free will at this point for if they attach emotion to the dense energy, it will return after it has been cleared. And so, the hope is that whoever wishes to be helped by this can detach from the emotion they are dealing with and let the energy clear. This blocked energy, this dense energy, is not serving and needs to clear out in order for the energy fields to lift and lighten.

This is something that can be done as often as needed during a period of recovery, until the person feels they are recovered. If something occurs again in the future they can come back and listen to it again. The energy will be embedded into the video and will be received each time it is watched. This is a powerful, powerful tool, a download of energy directly from Source, The Divine I Am, God, All That Is. The person must have the intention of recovery and be open to accepting this gift in order for it to be effective. For you do have free will and we will not ever interfere with your free will. So, if this is the intention of the person in need, then they should benefit from this activation.

My Role

My role is simply to channel and conduct energy. I have the ability to conduct energy at extremely high frequencies and volumes, allowing Source to pass on a higher and stronger energy activation to you.

Free Energy Activations

Below you will find links to free energy activations. Please accept this gift as it is intended, with love and light from The Divine I Am. Even if you don’t believe in a higher realm, this can still help you! Think of it as something that “can’t hurt.” Make it your intention to release energy that no longer serves you and be receptive – that’s all you have to do.

Featured Energy Activation

Revisit these activations as often as you need them.

High Vibe Energy Activation
For Anxiety

Clear dense energy out of your auric fields and relieve your anxiety with this energy activation channeled from Source.

High Vibe Energy Activation to Help
With Autoimmune Disorders

This channeled energetic download of healing energy will fill your body with light and begin a powerful healing process. This can even help clear stuck energy that is causing an autoimmune disorder. The download will also give your cells a healing jump start if you are working on conscious bio-healing. Everyone can benefit from this amazing energy download.

Visit My YouTube Channel

Visit My YouTube Channel

If you are interested in clearing dense energy and raising your vibration, this may be for you.

Ascension Events

Ascension Events

If you have been working on raising your energy frequency, this may be for you.

Reach Out To Jill

Reach Out To Jill

Would you like to schedule a one-on-one session?
I would love to hear from you.

I found Jill to be “The Real Thing!” When she first declared to me what she could do, I silently thought, “Oh, yeah. Right.” But! I was blown away. She immediately gave me a short session, as we were already together, enjoying channeling for each other anyway. She ~ and her awesome guides ~ DID lift my frequency and the sensation was physically and emotionally FELT by me. The “high” lasted 24 hours. I did “come down” but, not to where I was before. I remain higher than before our session. I see it in many ways. One way, that I first think of, is = I find that I respond to the challenges of life better with less emotional attachment. The temptation is still there…but, I am conscious of it…and I choose wisely. Thank you, Jill. Your work is WONDERFUL. What a contribution to the world you are! Love you!

Betsy-Morgan Coffman, Original ORION Master Channel and Teacher
Thanks Jill. Wow, I am feeling the energies.
Juliet O.
Hi Jill, I wanted to connect with you just to say how much I’m appreciating your YouTube channeling sessions! I have since the first time I saw one (it may have been your 3rd or so) posted. I got so excited that you were bringing us messages from Divine I Am and Archangels. I’ve been faithfully looking for them daily now. I really enjoy your authentic, natural channeling. Thank you!
Gaynelle H.
I wish to thank you Jill for serving at such a high level.
George H.
By doing one call/session I have been able to give my clients quicker, more vivid psychic readings. Jill, thank you so much for sharing your gift.
Darci T.
I appreciate all that you share in your videos – so loving! God’s light comes through you!
Joy B.
Thank you Jill, I love the energy I feel in these sessions! I’m very grateful you offer this to us.
Michele B.
I am so very grateful for you sharing these beautiful transmissions with us!
Aimee A.